
Saturday, December 15, 2012



Di celah-celah final ni, suka saya nak tulis pasal sesuatu. Cantik. Apa yang cantik? Hampa la yang cantik! :P

Dah dah..

Sebenarnya, semalam dalam pukul 12.30 mlm smlm, naik lif, dari bilik study. Allah takdir satu lif dgn floormate ni.. Isabella namanya
Bella: What you did tonight?
Aku: Err.. studying.. (sgt awkward because you are studying on friday night! Friday night kat sini bebudak semua kuar parti, sejuk2 pun sanggup nak pakai baju xcukup kain) So, what you did tonight?
Bella: I... have a date tonight
Aku: Uuuuuuu, where did you go?
Bella: Do you know fraternity?
Aku: Yeah
Bella: Yes, I went to their place, we drunk a little bit
Lif pun dah sampai 9th floor. Dia berjalan dgn penuh seksanya ke bilik dia. I mean, dia pakai kasut yg sgt tinggi, boleh nampak dia jalan mcm sakit kaki ke bilik
Aku: Bye Bella, good night
Bella: Good night

Short conversation. Tengok dia pakai kasut tu, sakit kot. Dengan skirt pendeknya, xsejuk ke bella. Aku ni smpai dah selesema sejuk sgt, walaupun tiap ari aku pakai baju tebal. Aku terpikir, semua orang ni melawa sebab apa.. Hampa melawa sebab apa? Kenapa eh perempuan melawa? Entah la, tp kalau tgk kat sini, melawa sebab nak tawan laki. Lelaki. Hampa melawa sebab nak bg laki tgk ke? ke self-satisfaction? tp xkan la kalau self satisfaction pun, nak pakai pakaian ketat-ketat mcm buah nangka,boleh bernafas eh? "Allah kan pakai cantik, tu yg pakai cantik tuu" .. tp tp, kalau pakai xtutup aurat, Allah redha ke? hmm.. reflect balik diri, sbab apa pakai cantik. pakai pakaian tu supaya dapat kaver aurat kita, lelaki tak nampak apa yg tak patut, tak timbulkan fitnah, tak bagi dosa kat orang lain yg dok tgk/kutuk kita.

Back to what I am thinking write now, depa jadikan lelaki sebagai sebab utama depa pakai lawa-lawa, maknanya lelaki adalah segalanya bg mereka ke.. pergi kelas boleh je pakai sweat pants, sweater, baju tido, tp kalau nak parti tu, memang semua cantik, kadang2 tgk muka tu dah mcm hantu, penuh make up.

Aku pun reflect balik diri aku ni. selalu pakai baju ni.. kenapa. nak bg cantik? bukan sebab nk bg org puji, sbb nak tutup aurat. tp pakai mestilah yg menepati syara`. tudung labuh smpai ke dada, tak jarang, tak ketat. sebenarnya senang ja nak tutup aurat ni. tp manusia suka susah2kan. kata tu xboleh, ini xboleh. kalau tutup aurat, apa salahnya? pakai seluar tak boleh? iye, xboleh, kalau seluar tu ketat, dan pakai baju singkat, boleh nampak bentuk kaki tu. islam mudah, jgn la susahkan.. pakai baju tu pakai yg boleh pakai waktu solat. kalau solat rasa still kena cover, something wrong la tu dgn pakaian kita.

Lagi satu, pasal lelaki ni. teringat pulak. maknnya depa jadikan lelaki ni ilah depa? "Lelaki, kaulah segalanya untukku!" Pakai nak attract lelaki, tak rasa jdkan laki tu sbg ilah? Akak, ilah tu gapo dio? Err,, ilah tu byk sgt mksud dia. Tapi nak bg senang paham, ilah tu mcm tempat kita bergantung harapan. Kalau ikutkan kita kena jdkan ilah kita ni Allah. Allah saja tempat kita berharap, kalau sedih tu, balik pada Allah. Happy pun, balik pada Allah. ingtlah, Allah kot yg sbnrnya bg kita makan, hidup smpai sekarng, belajar dapat ilmu, by nyawa dan kudrat dapat bca post ni. semua Allah bagi. cuma kita ja selalu cakap, haa aku makan nasi, aku kenyang. padahal nasi tu alat ja, Allah yg bg kenyang, Kalau Allah cakap kau makan la nasi byk mana pun, kalau Allah xbagi kenyang, xkenyang jugak kita. Ni pun, take time nak praktiskan. Selama ni kita didoktrin utk makan nasi kenyang, nk keluar malam kena da teman. Padahal Allah kan ada, semua makhluk2 lain tu ciptaan Allah gak. Kenapa nk minta pertolongan pada makhluk, sedangkan kita bleh direct terus minta kat pencipta makhluk? Muhasabah balik kot.

Moga hampa dapat point apa yg aku nak cakap. Yg kurg tu dari aku, yg lebih tu dr Allah, hakikatnya dua2 dari Allah. Moga Allah redha dgn apa yg aku tulis, dan masa yg hmpa luang nak baca ni.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

bulatan gembira :)

Assalamualaikum wbt

Pejam celik pejam celik, dah nak smpai final week pun.. Next two weeks dah final exam, and then break for two weeks. lepas tu msuk semester baru, SPRING! kejap ja masa berlalu, rasa cm bru ja smlm smpai USA. Alhamdulillah

Orang cakap kita duk negara org, baru kita nampak hitam, putihnya tu. Alhamdulillah, kawan2 yg sama2 datang sini, alhamduliillah, nmpak la perubahan tu. kalau sblm ni free hair, ada yg pkai tudung. kalau sblm ni tudung singkat, ada yg dah cover aurat tu elok elok. kalau sblm ni xpenah kenal apa itu usrah, kat sini depa kenal usrah tu apanya. alhamdulillah aku pun tergolong jugak dalam tu. bkn xpenah usrah sebelum ni, penah kat sekolah dulu.. tp tak rasa manisnya usrah tu. dulu rasa mcm bnda tu wajib, and kena p walau ribut melanda. tp skrg alhamdulillah ada kesedaran sikit kot. dulu p pn malas2, terpksa, skrg alhamdulillah best. nk cakap pasal apa pun xpa, xdak barrier dgn naqibah.

usrah kami ni digelar "sorority muslimah". idea ni dapat sbb kat sini ada groups of minah salleh, they call themselves sorority. cm usrah tuk depa la. km islamikkan nma tu, so jadi la sorority tu.
kalau usrah kurg 2 jam tu, tipu la. selalu ja lebih, byk bnda nak cita dlm tu. tmbh plak naqibah style byk sgt ilmu dia, byk sgt nak dia curahkan kat km smua. [ ni pun, xpegang pada 10 muwasafat tarbiyah, tak menjaga masa ]. tmbah2 lagi, adik2 usrah akak ni pulak memang bising, ada ja bnda nak kongsi, nak cerita, kepoh habis kami semua ni [errr, jgn tiru kamii]

tp byk bnda la dapt kat sini, insyaAllah..
by the way, tadi baru dpt tau sorg naqibah km ni engaged.. terkejut kot. tp memang layak pun dia nak kawen pun. agama ada, urusan umah setel, insyaAllah

sedang ahli2 usrah km `bermunaqashah` pasal tunang2 ni dalam whatsapp [ah, kami ada group sorority muslimah kat whatsapp :P], akak tu bg gambar ni :

aha, ni da belajaq waktu program ISK dulu, ini sejarah kita.. ni pun klo nk cita panjanggg
tapi tapi, haa akak tu kata apa.. tang individu muslim tu ada 10 muwasafat tarbiyah, kena setel tu dulu baru boleh naik tingkat kedua tu which baitul muslim (ehem ehem). aduuhh, aku tgk ni, 10 tu susah kot, memang tak kawen la ceni~~

tapi kan tapi, meh nak quote la akak tu cakap apa, "nampak x 10 benda yang kat tangga first tu, weh 10 kot. xde yg tu/xberusaha utk dpt yg tu, jgn harap nak langkah tangga ke 2" dush dush. mksdnya, tak dak usaha nak jadi baik, jgn naik kawen la~ ingat senang nak kawen~ haishh

hmpa tau tak apa 10 tu? dok muwasafat tarbiyah dr tadi lg. tau dak? ingat g? meh nk remind sket
(aku pn lupa :P)

1. Akidah yg sejahtera
2. Ibadah yang sahih
3. Akhlak yg mantap
4. Luas pengetahuan 
(ada sorg bkn muslim ni cakap, quite well known jugak la org ni, aku xingat, dia kata dia xtakut dgn org islam sbb dia tau org islam ni malas MEMBACA ERKKKK)
5. Sihat tubuh badan
6. Mampu berdikari
7. Melawan nafsu
8. Sangat menjaga masa
9. Sangat tersusun urusannya
10. Bermanfaat pada org lain

InsyaAllah sama2 la buat. mungkin boleh tulis ni kat cermin, board meja study, peti ais atau apa2 ja. remind yourself. and lg satu, tulis 10 bnda ni dalam organizer, then pecahkan lagi bnda2 ni dgn apa yg kita blh wt nk bg diri kita da sifat2 ni. insyaAllah aku cakap ni bkn utk hmpa ja, aku pn kena buat.
"wahai org yg beriman! mengapa kamu tidak mengatakan apa yg kamu kerjakn? itu sgtlah dibenci di sisi Allah jika kamu mengatakan apa yg kamu tidak kerjakan" (As Saff:: 2-3)


Friday, November 9, 2012

first usa post


|| Ini post yg dah lama dah tulis, tersimpan sbg draft. dan malas nak edit sbb benda ni dah lama. but yeah, still my first post ||

Haha. finally after about three weeks, I update my blog. sungguh pemalas busy diri saya.
Okay, how to start? I donno. so much to write, but then taktau nak tulis apa.

Genap 16hb Sept ni, insyaAllah, dah sebulan kat bumi Allah yg Uncle Sam ngaku dia pnya tu. For the first week tu, kami semua tido kat hotel kot. sebenarnya kalau datang awal before orientation, km kena bayaq 20usd per night, sila convert. RM60 ye rakan-rakan. Kalau dekat hotel according to our seniors, belas-belas usd je sorg bayaq. satu bilik share 4,5 org, so save sikit di situ. eh eh, di sini 1 dollar pun berkira ye rakan-rakan. 1 dollar tu rm3 u ollss. mahaii

Mostly duit kami ni banyak dihabiskan utk transportation eg. bus 1.5usd sekali naik, dan taxi in case kalau p walmart nk beli brg2 yg banyak dah tinggalkan kat malaysia. makan kami kat hotel tu ditaja oleh seniors yg sangat baik, memasak utk kami. Alhamdulillah besaq pahala depa dok tlg kami, dah la bulan posa plak tu. Moga depa sentiasa dirahmati Allah. Aminn

Cerita pasal JETLAG. 2,3 hari ja jetlag, lepas tu dh ok. ngada2 nk tdo banyak je. ohoh! haha. .
memang for the first week tu, ada la beberapa kali terlajak Maghrib. Opps.. bkan sorg tp 1 bilik. huhu. waktu tu asar dia dalam pukul 5, mgrb pkul 8. cm xlarat tunggu, konon nak bgn la sblm mgrb. at last, semua pakat ... hailaa.. astagfirulahazim. tu waktu mula2 smpai ja, lepas tu dh blh adapt. Alhamdulillah

Orientation week depa ni bkn mcm malaysia. everything is compolsory. sini tak eh, ada gak la skip sikit2. hehe. g yg pntg, p yg betul2 wajib ja. terok kan? takpa, sbb yg x p tu p jalan2 seniri, explore tmpat smbil ditemani oleh seniors. lagi bgus kot, jalan2 sniri. btw uni sangat besarrrrrrrrr. besaq gilaaaa. tp terbaek ah.

apa lagi eh? cuaca sini, wktu tu summer, lebih kurg cm malaysia je. tp ingat g waktu first day raya tu (raya kat us. wuuu T.T), SEJUK GILA. dahla pakai baju kurung ja. grrr 11 degree kot wktu. memang badan kebal betul. km smyg raya kat satu park ni. bila smpai park tu, tgk mcm MasyaAllah. you can see Muslims in all colors! Best koot. jumpa Muslims selain dr Melayu, terujaaaa. khutbah tu dlm english, itu kepastian. takbir tu xcm malaysia , malaysia sedap g. ada lagu2. malam raya tu budak laki melayu ada takbir sama depa, untunglaa. aku dalam bilik bukak youtube, nsib ada tube anda, hilang kerinduan hari raya pd family :')

Haaa,, after solat raya tu memang banyak gila makanan yg terhidang. kami Freshman Malaysian sgt teruja.... karena ini raya first kami di sinii. beratur panjangg sambil memaparkan muka keterujaaan kami.. pabila sampai kami nampak ketupat rendang nasi impit sate makanan yg xpenah jumpa pun. dan sesungguhnya aku xleh makan makanan mcm tu, tgk pn kembang tekak. banyak2 makanan tu, amek muruku ja. alhamdulillah ada muruku. pnya la tgkap muruku, upload dlm fb, berterima kasih sgt2 sapa yg bwak muruku tu. btw depa wt cm potluck, masing2 bawak makann msing2. rupa2nya malaysian jugak bwak muruku tu, kawan ceq jugak yg bawak. aisey ptutla serasi elok dgn tekak melayu ni. memang dr Malaysia rupanya.

Stop pasal raya. Raya wktu tu ja rasa, lepas tu xrasa apa dh. p walmart, shopping beli brg je. see, dh xdak raya. tp ptg tu seniors ada ajak makan kt umah. alhamdulillah merasa jugak la lemang, nasi impit, nasi, lauk MELAYUU AYAM MASAK MERAH! dpt makan pedass, ya Allah nikmat gila. depa kt sini xmakan pedas ye rakan rakan. depa xdak sos cili, depa ada tomato ja. masam. xsedap. Alhamdulillah, nikmat :)

lagi.. dah kuaq hotel tu km duk la asrama km. hmm.. cena nak kata. bilik dia ok, aku amek bilik 2 org je. boleh la hidup. tgkat 9 kott. tinggi.. itu ok, semua ok. yg tak bestnya floor coed. tau apa tu? maksudnya 1 floor tu cmpoq laki pmpuan.. cooll takkkk?? huh

susah weh hidup cmni. Alhamdulillah Allah gerakkan ati org yg atuq bilik km ni, letak bilik dpn bilik air. memang kalau bgn tgh mlm, xwt tahajud, mg saja mlas la ni. bilik air betul2 dpn pntu bilik, nmpak tak nikmat Allah di situuuu... as we all know, mereka ni kuat berpesta. iya memang pun. tambah2 floor coed ceni, tgh2 malam bising. almost everyday. stress gk kdg2, org nk senyap2 depa bising. tp nk wat cena. btw aku rasa aku dgn roomate aku paling dikenali di blok kami. bkn floor ye tuan puan, blok. sbb apa? sbb km ni berhijab. org snang recognize. tp rasanya tu pun Allah tnjuk nak suh kami behave kot. jgn dok lagha sgt kat negara uncle sam ni.

so far semua ok je sini. yg kurg best kat sini
1. tandas xdak paip air
2. makanan yg kurg kepedasan

tp apa2pun tu semua bkn terdesak sgt pun. all is well. pilih jalan ni, so kena tmpuh la. org mai hntaq jauh2 ni, kena observe la. dulu wktu aku susah dulu, i mean, when i faced all the hardships, aku selalu doa. aku nak p negara org sbb Allah pesan suh mengembara di bumi ALLAH. bertebaran di muka bumi Allah ni, moga kita mengambil manfaat dan amek iktibar. yes, memang aku observe people kat sini. how they behave and so on.
1. depa polite. seriously. buka pintu, kalau ada org kat belakang, depa akan holdkan pintu tu. baik tak? kat malaysia cm susah sikit kot nk jmpa. lagi satu, aku penah tlg holdkan pntu kat sorg budak ni (budak=kanak2). comel je dia ucap THANK YOU kat aku balik. you feel appreciated! bygkan!

sekian. random gambar dari phone.

suasan super 8, hotel yg kami duk for a few days before masuk bilik on-campus

muka freshie sambut raya aidil fitri without family

suasana raya kat penn state I

suasana raya penn state II

suasana raya penn state III

suasana raya penn stata IV

suasana raya penn state V


aiskrim yg sgt famous kat penn state, Berkey Creamery. penn state ada research center dia seniri buat ais krim ni. :) 
ini .. sangat jakun ye dgn kabus kat belakang tu. kebal gila, kuar pagi tanpa any sweater!

pemandangan dari bilik, saya tingkat 9, alhamdulillah cantik 
bilik I

bilik II

bilik III

* bilik org baru pindah bilik :P

Monday, July 9, 2012

INTEC life is over #2


At the end of my previous post, I talked about the crazy grading in INTEC. This list I got from from Anis Nadhirah, my future roomate in States (misha, sila bangga :P)

and this is my Fall semester result :

my CGPA is only 2.97, and obviously it does not meet MARA`s requirement. Well, at this time, to get 3.0 above is the most challenging part for me. This is the only chance for me to study or not to study in the USA. This is the end of my Fall semester. Lets move on to Spring semester.


I am majoring in Supply Chain Management, or mudah cerita, it is a part of Business. So, I was in business class. There are only two classes for business course which is Boston and Chicago. I was in Chicago with all Malays in this class. (dah semua MARA scholar, memang la melayu kan). Okay, for ADFP, Spring is the most hectic semester. I do not know why, but yes, sangat hectic.

To be in the class with all Malays, maybe I should not scare of anything. Yet, I felt very nervous to be in that class. Most of them are fluent in English and some of them are native speakers. Dont you think they are cool? Can speak English without any hesitation. without worry about your grammar and bla bla. FUHH. cool kan?

But, Spring taught me something: To accept people who they are. Dont judge a book by its cover. Know people first before you judge them.
I was surrounded by people who are good in religion because I studied in religious school. I think myself   is not good compared to my other friends. Other than that, in school, I accept certain things or knowledge without questioned that thing. What about this? What if happened like this? and so on. INTEC really taught me about different people in this world. Students in INTEC is vice versa. They are searching, they are looking for the goodness. and they will questioned the thing till the are satisfied with the answer. I was imagined how I am going to face people with various religions in States nanti.

Previously, I dislike to keluar malam malam. I mean like having dinner after maghrib. But this hectic spring make me to keluar malam. Well, Spring change me quite a lot. -,- maybe.

As this the second semester and it was very hectic, I dont have much time to do outside activity. In spring, I learnt to give a speech, do research paper, write bibliography and many more. I think I learnt a lot of soft skills during Spring. I can remember how nervous I was while giving a not so prepared speech in front of Ms Asma, how Mr. Kamal tear off my paper (and my friends too) because of the wrong format, how I got my second test for Calculus for Business (that people said it is easy), how I read a lot of books about Vietnam economy, and a lot moreeee!! Seriously, I learnt a lot (just realised this when I list out all Spring memory. hee)

and not to forget about my class which was very SUMMER. some of classmates said it was like Sahara. We are keep changing class because of the aircond. We illegally entered Korean classes just to make sure we felt comfortable during class. At the end of spring, we decided to change class into one of MEP (Middle East Program) class that I think that should not called as a class. It is sooo biggggg!! How big it is? The room is very big till we can put mat there. we pray there and some of boys had their khailulah in the class. We also had our parade training in the class without rearranging the tables. Can you imagine how big it is? :D
Some of the classes get jealous with us because we can do anything just in our class. hee

Talking about class parade. Well. Hmm.. No comment here. Just saying, I learnt that before I get any project, I should make a research first what it all about. Just to make sure, the project is not against Islam. peace :)
but, I think our class parade maybe gave some general knowledge to other students who are wondering why there was a controversy for our parade. Sapa tau senyap sudah. At least me, and my other friends who do not know about it can learn. :D

Chicago cago

Other than this, we also have Speech Night during Spring semester. In Speech Night, the lectures will point a student from each class to give a speech in front of the crowd. I think this is a good idea as it will increase the level of confidence of students. With the support from classmates, the students who gave the speech will make their best in their speech, eventually make the students become more confident to speak in public. For my class, this is the lucky person to represent my class:

What we did to support him?
1. banner
2. posters
3. change our DP in FB

Why we did all this? We were like to give him support and make him more confident with himself.

During this hectic life, students started getting the offer from various universities.I got the offer from Penn State which I think the best choice. Penn State is ranked no 3 for supply chain management by us news. Penn State is like maahad jugak, they have many campuses all over Pennsylvania. I get the main campus, University Park, alhamdulillah. Well, that is. For now, I pass all the requirements : SAT done, TOEFL done, University Placement done. One more thing that still make me 50-50 to further study in the USA is my CGPA. So, hows the result? Am I qualified to further study in the USA?

Alhamdulillah, I got above 3.0. I did not aim high because I know it is quite tough for me, just ordinary student, quite possible to get dean list, 3.5 and above. Like our Pengarah said, " INTEC bukan lagi tempat kamu bersaing, tapi cuma tempat untuk kamu lepas requirement tajaan masing-masing untuk melayakkan kamu study oversea".
Yes, betul. I aimed dean list when I wan in IIUM (only for a month there ;p), but in INTEC,no. I dont want to aim high because I know my ability. Nah, present for my parents! :)

Waitt! I still have another semester to go through which is SUMMER SEMESTER. Two months only :)
Next post lah, tired already :p

INTEC life is over! #1


As stated above, yes, I had graduated from Intec. [ceh, graduated kan? padahal foundation je pun] well, actually we have our own ceremony. it shocked me as well. foundation pun ada graduation day? ha. megah betul bunyinya. well, officially i become intec alumni on 22nd June 2012 which is on Friday. Alhamdulillah!
To be at this point, it took a lot of efforts and TEARS! but then, this is life. i admit that I did not update this blog for a long long time, so I am going to just summarize what had happened in INTEC during a year I am here.

FALL 2011

This was my first semester in INTEC. I entered INTEC quite late compared to other ADFPs. ah, btw my program is called ADFP which stand for American Degree Foundation Program. You know what, ADFP is the quite famous in INTEC as the 'loudest' program. Why? You will know it if you read this further. Hhehe. Okay, for the first step in INTEC, I had a replacement test before I can get into any class. Alhamdulillah, I was in Fargo. Fargo is a place name somewhere in North Dakota, USA. Well, for your information we had about 11 classes for Fall semester, and yeah Fargo is ABCDEFGHIJK .. ah, that is. kira sendiri.

other races friends
 I am very grateful [sebenarnya takut] to be in this class. My class consists of Malay, Chinese, Indian and even Siamese. best kot, but somehow I feel something strange as I lived in Malay-Muslim environment since I was in kindergarten. I never mix with other race. Well, this was a great opportunity to have non-Malay-Muslim friends. When my class had to form groups, we had to mix genders and races. Ah, the group basically is for Oral Communication classes. We had to do radio drama and campaign for our project. This is when my true color shown. When my group recorded our voice for radio drama, someone make silly joke. And I was laugh like who really I am. Everyone was shocked. Haha. Well, maybe I felt comfortable with the group, and hello, this is the real me. : D
#Thanx to ikha, geevan, darryl and soon for the making me show my true color in INTEC.

English environment
For the first three month, I felt not very comfortable with ADFP environment. I was in religious school, so I always keep a distance with guys. But here, yeah, you know. and it was quite tough to face all that. But now, I am okay with the problem, hopefully I do not overboard. Ameen. and and another thing that I think I can adopt is English environment. Oh man, I was crying a lot of times. I was very shy to speak English, and I am. get what I mean? tak? ignore it. hee. english is one of why I want to quit INTEC for the first reason. Maybe on that time, i dont want to take risk, I mean, I dont want to challenge myself. When I though about it again, English is very important. No matter where I go, I must learn English. Perghh, lemah sikit bab bahasa ni. Thats why la. On that time, I dont really love Oral Communication subject as we have to communicate in English. Learning raise your hand to answer all the question, not just be like a hantu. Cakap pun orang taktahu siapa yg bercakap. I observed, non-Malay loves to do this. They just can complaint to the lecturers about this and that. Oh maybe this is university life. I can feel it here. Observe and learn. From this subject, I try my best to raise my hand and speak out. I am shy enough to speak English in public, even my speech and presentation are not really good. But for the sake of AAP, I really need to be brave. Yes, maybe I am not very loud (keep raising hand to answer question), but at least I try. ;D
Now Alhamdulillah, I can speak English but still .... I hope my English will not \be the reason why I cant study well in USA.

Wait, this is Fargo Fighters. Not all the fighters are here.

Semua muka muda lagi,
 can see the difference with these people
who are going to the USA this coming Fall 2012 :D

Ah, before that, okay. To fly high to USA, MARA`s scholars have to fulfill these requirements.

    1.  SAT >1000 [overall tak ingat. kuikui]
I took SAT twice; one in Metropolitan College in Sunway and another one in Dalat International School, Penang. Why you took twice? Ha, sebab tak over 1000 la. hehe.. Finally, I accomplished this by December. Alhamdulillah!

    2. TOEFL >79
This is one alhamdulillah, I take a test only in UUM. This is basically reading, listening, speaking and writing test for people whose native language is not English. Hmm. I think maybe it is harder that SAT as it required speaking test. I am very weakk in speaking. I admit, I cried the night before I sat for TOEFL. I was afraid, and I thought that I did not prepare well. At last, alhamdulillah, I pass the requirement for only one test! Alhamdulillah!

  3.  CGPA >3.0
This is what I am afraid most. For Fall semester, my result is not very good. Mine was below 3.0. The lecturers said even though the student get 2.99, MARA will not offer him/her to the States. Uh, it was quite tough here with the grading is like crazy.

.................................... # sleepy already, maybe I will continue tomorrow ... insyaAllah. .

Monday, February 27, 2012

thanx a lot ya Allah!

Congratulations on your acceptance to Penn State!
I am pleased to offer you admission to The Smeal College of Business for Fall 2012 at Penn State University Park. I hope that the information provided on this page will help give you a head start on thinking about your offer to Penn State.
Click here to view and print your official offer of admission to Penn State. We will not be sending you a copy of this letter through the mail.
We have you classified as a first-year student with non-Pennsylvania residency. If you have questions about your classification, please contact Admissions for more information.
You can accept your offer online today. Details about fees and housing can be viewed through that system before you complete the process. Please review all of the information provided on this page as you consider your offer of admission to Penn State.
Penn State is proud of its long tradition of excellence. We invite you to become a part of that tradition.
Anne Rohrbach
Executive Director for Undergraduate Admissions

mekaseh Ya Allah~!